Crafting a Memorable Brand: The Power of Visual Identity

Published On

April 12, 2023

Thomas Trussle


Unraveling the process and impact of creating a robust visual identity, underpinned by real-world case studies showcasing transformative brand redesigns.


In today's crowded marketplace, standing out is no longer optional; it's an imperative for survival. A brand's visual identity is its visual vocabulary - a combination of graphics, colours, shapes, and fonts that makes a brand instantly recognisable, differentiating it from its competitors. It's the visual manifestation of a brand's personality, its beliefs, and its story. But what constitutes an effective visual identity, and how can it be crafted meticulously? Let's delve into the details.

The Elements of Visual Identity


A logo is the face of a brand, often the first visual component that comes to mind when a brand is mentioned. There are different types of logos - wordmarks, pictorial, abstract, to name a few - each conveying a different aspect of the brand. For example, Google's playful, multicoloured wordmark embodies its ethos of making information accessible and fun.

Colour Palette

Colours speak volumes about a brand, sparking emotions, and setting the brand's tone. They're a powerful tool in conveying a brand's personality. For instance, Facebook's use of calm blue signifies its mission to bring the world closer, promoting trust and peace.


Fonts aren't just for reading; they're another means of expressing brand personality. Serif fonts convey tradition and respectability, Sans Serif fonts communicate modernity and simplicity, while script fonts evoke creativity and elegance. For example, The New York Times' serif font signals its long history and commitment to serious journalism.

Colour Imagery

Images are a visual shorthand for telling brand stories. They could be photographs, illustrations, or icons that consistently represent the brand's values. Airbnb, for example, uses images of real homes from its listings, reinforcing its message of belonging and authentic travel experiences.

Brand Guidelines

A comprehensive style guide ensures that the brand maintains a cohesive visual identity across various platforms and touchpoints. It details how logos, colours, typography, and imagery should be used, ensuring consistency, which is vital for brand recognition.

The Branding Process

Understanding the Brand

The process starts with an in-depth understanding of the brand. It involves comprehensive research into the brand's core values, mission, vision, target audience, market positioning, and competition. This research can include interviews with stakeholders, surveys, market research, and studying analytics. For example, a young tech startup might have a brand identity centred around innovation, speed, and user-friendliness, targeting millennials. Such insights act as the bedrock upon which the visual identity is built.

Concept Development

Next, the abstract brand insights are translated into visual concepts. This involves brainstorming sessions, sketching, and the creation of mood boards. These mood boards could contain anything that visually represents the brand's essence - colours, fonts, shapes, textures, images, or even words. For instance, the aforementioned tech startup may favour bold colours, modern sans-serif fonts, and imagery that showcases technology and youthfulness.

Design Execution

Once concepts are finalised, it's time for design execution. A logo, possibly the most crucial element of visual identity, is designed in different variations - primary, secondary, icon, etc. A colour palette that aligns with brand sentiment is chosen, and fonts that compliment the brand character are selected. Custom imagery like illustrations or photo styles might be defined. If the tech startup decides to go for a bold and friendly identity, a vibrant colour palette, clean sans-serif typography, and a logo representing speed and innovation would be created.


The visual identity is then applied to various brand assets. These could range from the brand's website, social media pages, advertising materials, and office interiors to company swag. This stage ensures that the visual identity is coherent across all touchpoints, reinforcing brand recognition. Our tech startup would apply its new visual identity to its app, website, social media, business cards, and office spaces for a cohesive brand image.


No brand identity is perfect right out of the gate. It requires refining based on feedback and performance. Usability testing, A/B testing, surveys, and data analytics can be used to gauge the effectiveness of the new visual identity. This evaluation could lead to further refinements, ensuring the visual identity is hitting the mark with its target audience.


Airbnb: From Homesharing to Global Belonging

When Airbnb redesigned their brand in 2014, they did not just change their logo; they repositioned themselves entirely, creating a sense of global community and connection. With the introduction of the "Bélo", they established a new visual identity symbolising belonging. This shift had an enormous impact on Airbnb's brand perception, both socially and commercially. The universal symbol fostered a sense of inclusivity and global belonging, boosting their social impact. Meanwhile, their expanded offerings beyond just homesharing (e.g., experiences and restaurant reservations) led to increased commercial success.

Microsoft: Embracing Simplicity and Innovation

When Airbnb redesigned their brand in 2014, they did not just change their logo; they repositioned themselves entirely, creating a sense of global community and connection. With the introduction of the "Bélo", they established a new visual identity symbolising belonging. This shift had an enormous impact on Airbnb's brand perception, both socially and commercially. The universal symbol fostered a sense of inclusivity and global belonging, boosting their social impact. Meanwhile, their expanded offerings beyond just homesharing (e.g., experiences and restaurant reservations) led to increased commercial success.

Gucci: A Bold Rebirth

When Airbnb redesigned their brand in 2014, they did not just change their logo; they repositioned themselves entirely, creating a sense of global community and connection. With the introduction of the "Bélo", they established a new visual identity symbolising belonging. This shift had an enormous impact on Airbnb's brand perception, both socially and commercially. The universal symbol fostered a sense of inclusivity and global belonging, boosting their social impact. Meanwhile, their expanded offerings beyond just homesharing (e.g., experiences and restaurant reservations) led to increased commercial success.

Tropicana: A Cautionary Tale

In contrast, not all rebrands result in success. Tropicana’s 2009 rebrand is a classic example. Tropicana replaced its recognisable straw-in-an-orange imagery with a plain orange juice glass, a move that was met with widespread consumer backlash. The change led to a 20% drop in sales within two months, prompting Tropicana to revert to their original packaging. This example illustrates the commercial risk of a drastic rebrand that doesn't resonate with the existing audience.


In a world increasingly dominated by digital experiences, a compelling and consistent visual identity can be the difference between a brand that thrives and one that merely survives. As we've seen, a well-thought-out and effectively implemented visual identity can have a profound impact on a brand's social, political, and commercial standing, not to mention, its connection with its audience. From Airbnb to Gucci, visual identity has played a pivotal role in their brand stories, enhancing their commercial success and social impact.

Crafting a memorable visual identity is an art as much as it is a science. It requires not just design prowess but also a keen understanding of the brand, its audience, and the landscape in which it operates. It's about creating an identity that resonates with the audience and aligns with the brand values, shaping perceptions and fostering a sense of connection.

Ready to Craft Your Visual Identity?

Creating a brand's visual identity is no small feat, and it's not something you have to do alone. If you're looking to craft or redefine your brand's visual identity, we at Blue Mandarin are ready to assist.

At Blue Mandarin, we understand the power of visual identity. Our multidisciplinary team blends creativity, technical know-how, and a deep understanding of branding principles to create a visual identity that not only looks great but also works hard for your brand. We're all about crafting visual identities that resonate with audiences and drive business results.

So, if you're ready to elevate your brand with a distinctive and impactful visual identity, get in touch with us today for a free consultation. Together, we can create a visual identity that propels your brand to new heights.
