Revitalising Your Brand: When and How to Rebrand Successfully

Published On

May 17, 2023

Thomas Trussle


This comprehensive guide navigates the complex process of rebranding, underlining its strategic importance and the vital role of user experience and digital assets in its success.


Rebranding is a strategic move that involves altering the corporate image of a brand. It's a complex process that extends beyond mere aesthetic changes to include a shift in brand philosophy, values, target audience, and overall brand strategy. While it's a powerful tool for breathing new life into a brand, the decision to rebrand shouldn't be taken lightly. This blog post explores the nuances of rebranding, answering pertinent questions like when and why to rebrand and detailing a step-by-step guide on how to go about it successfully.

Understanding the Need for Rebranding

In the dynamic business landscape, staying relevant and resonating with your audience is paramount. However, the question stands - when is the right time for a brand to embrace change and evolve? In this section, we delve into several factors that may signal the need for rebranding. Whether it's market dynamics, an evolved target audience, brand evolution or reputation management, understanding these can help steer your decision-making process effectively.

Market Dynamics

A logo is the face of a brand, often the first visual component that comes to mind when a brand is mentioned. There are different types of logos - wordmarks, pictorial, abstract, to name a few - each conveying a different aspect of the brand. For example, Google's playful, multicoloured wordmark embodies its ethos of making information accessible and fun.

Audience Shift

Colours speak volumes about a brand, sparking emotions, and setting the brand's tone. They're a powerful tool in conveying a brand's personality. For instance, Facebook's use of calm blue signifies its mission to bring the world closer, promoting trust and peace.

Brand Evolution

Fonts aren't just for reading; they're another means of expressing brand personality. Serif fonts convey tradition and respectability, Sans Serif fonts communicate modernity and simplicity, while script fonts evoke creativity and elegance. For example, The New York Times' serif font signals its long history and commitment to serious journalism.

Reputation Management

Images are a visual shorthand for telling brand stories. They could be photographs, illustrations, or icons that consistently represent the brand's values. Airbnb, for example, uses images of real homes from its listings, reinforcing its message of belonging and authentic travel experiences.

When Not to Rebrand

Rebranding is not a one-size-fits-all solution to all the challenges your brand faces. It’s a strategic, time-consuming and resource-intensive process that should be carefully considered. In this section, we’ll explore scenarios where rebranding might not be the most efficient solution, including temporary setbacks and attempts at superficial changes. Knowing when not to rebrand can save your business from unnecessary costs and help maintain brand consistency.

Understanding the Need for Rebranding

In the dynamic business landscape, staying relevant and resonating with your audience is paramount. However, the question stands - when is the right time for a brand to embrace change and evolve? In this section, we delve into several factors that may signal the need for rebranding. Whether it's market dynamics, an evolved target audience, brand evolution or reputation management, understanding these can help steer your decision-making process effectively.

Temporary Setbacks

Rebranding is not a solution for temporary setbacks or seasonal fluctuations. It's a strategic decision that requires significant resources and should only be undertaken to address long-term issues.

Superficial Changes

Superficial changes rarely lead to successful rebranding. A simple logo change or a new tagline isn't enough if your brand faces deeper issues like disconnect with the audience or negative brand perception.

The Process of Successful Rebranding

Rebranding is more than a mere aesthetic overhaul; it's an opportunity to reassess your company's mission, goals, and market positioning. A successful rebrand is grounded in strategy, research, and comprehensive planning.

Self-Reflection and Company Alignment

Before the rebranding process begins, it's essential to thoroughly assess your brand's current state. Ask probing questions to understand the reasons driving the rebrand. Is your current brand not resonating with the target audience? Are there shifts in the market landscape or consumer behaviours that your brand needs to adapt to? Or has there been a change in your company's mission or values?

Understanding the why of rebranding is the first step towards defining the what – what is the new direction that your brand will take? This involves defining or redefining your brand's vision, mission, and values. It's crucial to align all stakeholders – from top management to every employee – with this new direction, as they are the primary carriers of your brand's message.

Research and Strategy Formation

The success of a rebranding initiative is closely tied to the depth and breadth of the research conducted. Begin by studying your target audience - their needs, behaviours, and perceptions of your brand. This understanding will guide your rebranding efforts, ensuring they resonate with your audience.

Next, conduct a thorough analysis of your competition. Understanding their branding and communication strategies can offer valuable insights, helping you find your unique position in the market.

The research phase also includes a detailed review of your existing digital assets – website, web app, mobile app. Consider their current user experience (UX) and how well they align with your new brand direction. This assessment will inform the changes needed during the rebranding process.

The Rebrand Launch Strategy

Plan a detailed launch strategy to introduce your new brand to the world. This should include a communication plan for your existing customers, letting them know about the rebrand and what it means for them.

Consider all the channels where your brand has a presence and ensure the rebrand is updated across all of them. This includes your website, web and mobile applications, social media, print materials, and more.

Post-Launch Analysis and Continuity Planning

Once your new brand is launched, closely monitor its reception. Analyze audience feedback, media mentions, and key performance indicators (KPIs) like website visits, app downloads, social media engagement, etc., to assess the impact of your rebranding.

Ensure continuity of the new brand identity in all future initiatives. Any new campaigns, product launches, or customer interactions should align seamlessly with your rebranding.
Rebranding is a strategic endeavour that requires constant upkeep even post-launch. It's not a 'set it and forget it' task. Instead, it's crucial to continually infuse your new brand identity in everything your company does moving forward.

Ongoing Brand Management

Just as with the introduction of your new brand, maintaining it requires meticulous care and attention. Consistency across all channels and touchpoints is key to solidifying your brand's presence in the mind of your audience. This is where your brand manual becomes a valuable tool, serving as a reference point for all future brand-related decisions.

Consider also regular check-ins on the health of your brand. This might involve customer surveys, market research, and keeping an eye on what competitors are doing. In this digital age, where consumer behaviours and trends can shift rapidly, staying on top of these changes is vital to remain relevant and competitive.


Rebranding is a complex and significant undertaking that can breathe new life into a brand, reposition it in the market, and invigorate its audience. However, it's a process that requires careful planning, deep understanding of your audience and market, and meticulous execution. It's about much more than aesthetics—it touches on every aspect of how your brand interacts with its audience, from your website to your web app, mobile app, and beyond.

Ready to Revitalise Your Brand?

Rebranding is a substantial journey, but you don't have to undertake it alone. At Blue Mandarin, we're experts in brand strategy and transformation. We understand the intricacies of rebranding and how it interweaves with the digital assets of a company like the website, web application, and mobile app.

We're not just about creating visually stunning designs; we dive deep into user experience, ensuring your digital touchpoints are not just in line with your brand, but also deliver a seamless and engaging experience for your audience.

Whether you're considering a rebrand or are in the midst of one, we're here to help. Let's work together to craft a brand that resonates with your audience and drives your business forward. Contact us today for a free consultation.
